GIRFEC (Getting it Right for Every Child)
What is it?
Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) is the national policy framework aimed at supporting the wellbeing of children and young people. The framework embeds the articles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into practice and promotes a rights-based approach.
GIRFEC promotes positive outcomes for children and young people and builds on the delivery of universal services. The National Practice Model is a common framework for all professionals, this helps when assessing and responding to the needs of children and young people, ensuring all families receive the right help at the right time.
How do we do it in Fife?
GIRFEC is designed around four key principles:
A child-focused approach: We’ll put the young person and their family at the centre of all decision-making.
Understanding wellbeing: We’ll look at the child’s wellbeing as a whole to provide appropriate, effective support at the right time.
A preventative approach: We’ll identify needs early so they don’t grow into problems.
A joined-up approach: We’ll work together to consider what help a child requires. We’ll involve only the services needed to minimise unnecessary interruption in family life.
You can find out more about GIRFEC on the Scottish Government website:
What GIRFEC means for children, young people and their families
What GIRFEC means for people working in children’s and adult services
GIRFEC’s background – where it came from and a timeline of how it was developed
Implementing GIRFEC – Summary for Practitioners
GIRFEC and Child Protection
GIRFEC is there to support the overall wellbeing of children & young people. It does not replace our existing Child Protection systems and processes. If you suspect a child or young person has been harmed or is at risk of harm, refer to your service’s existing Child Protection processes. For more information about Child Protection visit the Fife Child Protection information on