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The Waid Academy

Who can I speak to?

There may be times you want to speak to someone. There are loads of people in school that you can approach to speak to. Your first point of call is usually your Pupil Support Teacher. These are: 


St Andrew House: Mr Mcguigan 

Mr McGuigans Office can be found on the top floor. 

St Adrian House: Mrs I Henderson 

Mrs Hendersons Office can be found on the first floor. 

St David House: Ms C O'Donnell 

Ms O'Donnells Office can be found on the top floor. 

Support: Mrs A Spence 

Mrs Spence can be found in Support on the Ground floor. 


If these people are not there you can go to Reception and ask to make an appointment. 

You can also speak to our Pupil Support Officers: 

Ms Weston and Ms Cuthbert: They can be found at the desk in the Atrium

We also have our QR Codes "Who can I speak?" Board. This is in the Atrium and you can use this to scan the QR Code and get access to a form to complete. This will let you contact some of the Leadership Team in the school. 

Who else is available? 

Scott Sloan: Skills Development Scotland Worker - make appointments through Reception and in the SDS Office (opposite the Janitors) 

School Nurse Service - use the Health hub box at Reception to make a self referral. They are in every Tuesday.