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The Waid Academy

Careers Advice (Skills Development Scotland)

The school works closely with Skills Development Scotland. We have a full time SDS Worker who works in school to support children and young people into positive destinations post school.

Scott Sloan



Scott can be found in the booths in the foyer of the school and young people can make appointments with him at any time to get support for college applications, CVs etc.

Further information about the work of SDS in school can be found on this presentation:

DYW Fife website is an easy way for pupils, parents/carers, educators, and employers to engage with the Developing the Young Workforce programme. It offers support and advice, resources, opportunities, news, and insight in all areas of DYW. – https://dywfife.com/

Welcome to DYW Live: e-Sgoil and Education Scotland have teamed up to work with a wide range of national partner organisations to create an exciting virtual learning offer for children and young people across Scotland to develop career education and enhance their employability, career management and work-related skills. For more information go to http://e-sgoil.com/experiences/

E-DYW – Digital Resource Hub: Welcome to the E-DYW Digital Resource Hub. If you are a young person, educator, parent or carer, employer, or organisation you will find online support and resources to assist you in all aspects of the Developing the Young Workforce programme. https://www.dyw.scot/edyw.html


DYW Fife website is an easy way for pupils, parents/carers, educators, and employers to engage with the Developing the Young Workforce programme. It offers support and advice, resources, opportunities, news, and insight in all areas of DYW. – https://dywfife.com/

Welcome to DYW Live: e-Sgoil and Education Scotland have teamed up to work with a wide range of national partner organisations to create an exciting virtual learning offer for children and young people across Scotland to develop career education and enhance their employability, career management and work-related skills. For more information go to http://e-sgoil.com/experiences/

E-DYW – Digital Resource Hub: Welcome to the E-DYW Digital Resource Hub. If you are a young person, educator, parent or carer, employer, or organisation you will find online support and resources to assist you in all aspects of the Developing the Young Workforce programme. https://www.dyw.scot/edyw.html