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The Waid Academy

Placement Requests


Some parents may wish to make a placement request for a secondary school out with their catchment. Fife Council has published the following guidance about the process. 

Once Placement Requests have been confirmed by 30th April each year. A Parents Information Evening will then be held for those who are successful in achieving a place. You will be issued with information about the school and also the Pupil Support Staff. 

Until such time as a place is confirmed all parents should continue to engage in the transition process for their catchment school. 

Those learners who have been successful in a place will be invited to Broomlee for a day. This camp is not part of the Transition Process but is a primary cluster school residential camp. Pupils from out of catchment schools will be allowed to attend if they are accompanied by a member of staff from their primary school (in line with Fife Council Excursion Policy). Cost of the day visit will be made available on confirmation of a place. 

Those pupils who have a confirmed place will then also be allowed to attend the 2 Day Visit in June. 

Enrolling in secondary school

Children currently enrolled in a Fife Council primary school who will move to their catchment secondary in August will be moved automatically. If you would prefer to submit a placing request to an alternative Fife Council secondary school, you can submit your request through our Submit a placing request for an S1 place form.

When accessing the Submit a placing request for an S1 place form, you will be asked to log in or register for a mygov.scot “myaccount”. You will need this account throughout your child’s education. Once you’ve set this account up, you will then be able to enrol your child(ren) or make a placing request using the online form. To help you create a mygov.Scot account, we’ve made a short ‘how to’ video.

Applications for placing requests for S1 open in December and close at midnight on 15th March each year.

To enrol in any other year groups or make a placing request out with S1, please contact the school direct. Secondary schools can be found at on our Secondary schools page.


In order to enrol your child through a placement request please use the form below: