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The Waid Academy

Anti Bullying Support

At The Waid Academy we are committed to making sure everyone feel safe and included within the school.

We promote an environment where bullying is not accepted by the community and work with those involved in bullying to stop it and prevent it from happening again.  

Please remember you can speak to your Guidance Teacher or any member of school staff if you are concerned or worried about bullying. 
You can also access any key member of staff by using the "Do you need to speak to someone?" board in the foyer.  

More information can be found at: respectme | Scotland's anti-bullying servicerespectme

Parents can find information at the following: 

Respect Me | Adults helping to support the anti-bullying movementrespectme

This is the national support site for Anti Bullying and has helpful videos and guides for parents online. 

anti bullying policy.pdf