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The Waid Academy

Parents Portal


Parentsportal.scot is a new digital service to help replace the traditional school bag run by providing direct communication to parents through a growing suite of online services.


What is parentsportal.scot?  

In support of Fife Council's ambition to continue improvement in parental engagement we have been working with national partners to develop a "Parents Portal".  


The portal will be developed to provide parents with a clear insight to their child's education and to support transactional communications between parents and the school.  


Registration for a Parents Portal customer account uses the MyGovScot (My Account) service. This is a secure and trusted service provided by the Scottish Government. Parents using IPay/IPayimpact will already have a My Account username and password.


This new service will introduce information about the school and will allow you to:  

  • link to your child
  • view school calendar  
  • view your child's class timetable (for pupils in secondary school)
  • view your child's attendance
  • complete the annual data check process electronically
  • update your own as well as your child's details at any time
  • access Parent Zone and Fife.gov.uk  
  • access online school payments (iPayImpact)  
  • book your child’s parents evenings
  • report your child’s absence from school
  • view your child’s report card (where available)
  • view and authorise child’s permission slips for trips, clubs etc
  • view and access school social media sites and websites

    This is an exciting first phase of a new initiative which enables and creates a digital relationship between parents, pupils and schools.

    Please click here www.fife.gov.uk/parentsportal for more information and details on how to sign up.