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The Waid Academy

National 5 Physics

National 4 and 5 – Physics


Through learning in physics, learners develop their interest in and understanding of the world. They engage in a wide range of investigative tasks, which allows them to develop important skills to become creative, inventive and enterprising, in a world where the skills and knowledge developed by physics are needed across all sectors of society. 


The Course allows learners to understand and investigate the world in an engaging and enjoyable way. It develops learners’ ability to think analytically, creatively and independently, and to make reasoned evaluations. The Course provides opportunities for learners to acquire and apply knowledge, to evaluate environmental and scientific issues, to consider risk, and to make informed decisions. This can lead to learners developing an informed and ethical view of topical issues. Learners will develop skills in communication, collaborative working and leadership, and apply critical thinking in new and unfamiliar contexts to solve problems. 


The main aims of this Course are for learners to: 


  • develop scientific and analytical thinking skills in a physics context
  • develop an understanding of the role of physics in scientific issues
  • acquire and apply knowledge and understanding of concepts in physics
  • develop understanding of relevant applications of physics in society


The Course will therefore enable learners to become scientifically literate citizens, while developing their literacy and numeracy skills. It will also develop learners’ investigative and experimental skills in a physics context. Learners will recognise the impact physics makes on their lives, the environment and society. 


Through this Course, learners can develop relevant skills for learning, for use in everyday life, and across all sectors of employment. Due to the inter-disciplinary nature of science, learners benefit from studying physics along with other subjects from the sciences, technologies and mathematics curriculum areas.


Course Progression

The course will provide opportunities for progression in the senior phase of the school to study the following subjects;

  • National 4 – Physics
  • National 5 – Physics
  • Higher - Physics


Career Opportunities







135 marks (80% of final grade)

20 marks (20% of final grade)


Subject: Physics



National 3 SCQF Level 3

National 4 SCQF Level 4

National 5 SCQF Level 5


The course has three mandatory Units:


Unit 1:

Electricity and Properties of



Unit 2:

Waves and Radiation 


Unit 3:

Dynamics and Space


The course has four mandatory Units including an added value unit:


Unit 1:

Electricity and Properties of



Unit 2:

Waves and Radiation 


Unit 3:

Dynamics and Space 


Added Value Unit:

Physics Assignment


The course has three Units and Course Assessment:


Unit 1:

Electricity and Properties of



Unit 2:

Waves and Radiation 


Unit 3:

Dynamics and Space 






Rationale The purpose of the Course is to develop learners’ interest and enthusiasm for physics in a range of contexts. The skills of scientific inquiry and investigation are developed, throughout the Course, by investigating the applications of physics. This will enable learners to become scientifically literate citizens, able to review the science-based claims they will meet.

Recommended Entry:  While entry is at the discretion of the centre, pupils would normally have obtained a National 4 in Physics, or National 5 in Biology or Chemistry.

Units – Title and Brief Description

The general aim of all three Units is to develop skills of scientific inquiry, investigation and analytical thinking, along with knowledge and understanding.  Learners will apply these skills when considering the applications of physics on our lives, as well as the implications on society and the environment. This is done using a variety of approaches, including investigation and problem solving.  Learners will research issues, apply scientific skills and communicate information related to their findings, which will develop skills of scientific literacy.

Physics: Electricity and Properties of Matter (National 5)

The Unit covers the key areas of electricity, energy transfer, heat and the gas laws.

Physics: Waves and Radiation (National 5)

The Unit covers the key areas of waves, sound, light, the electromagnetic spectrum and nuclear radiation.

Physics: Dynamics and Space (National 5)

The Unit covers the key areas of kinematics, forces and space.

Progression:  Successful completion of this course can lead to Higher Physics.


National 5 Units only - Internal Assessment which is based on: End of unit tests. Pupils have up to two attempts to pass these.

National 5 Examination - External Assessment based on:

a question paper, which requires learners to demonstrate aspects of breadth, challenge and application; learners will apply breadth and depth of skills, knowledge and understanding from across the Course to answer questions in physics.                             (80% of marks)

an assignment, which requires learners to demonstrate aspects of challenge and application; learners will apply skills of scientific inquiry, using related knowledge, to carry out a meaningful and appropriately challenging task in physics and communicate findings                    (20% of marks)