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The Waid Academy

National 5 History

National 4 and 5 History


All History courses at National 4 & 5 deal with concepts such as change, continuity, and power struggles.  Pupils will study aspects from three contexts: Scottish, British, and European & World.


Scottish Context - The Era of The Great War (1910 – 1928)


  • Recruitment and Propaganda
  • Trench Warfare
  • Loos and the Somme
  • The Home Front
  • Conscription and Conscientious Objectors
  • Politics and Protest
  • Women and the war
  • Industrial Change
  • Red Clydeside


British Context - The Atlantic Slave Trade (1770 – 1807)


  • The Triangle of Trade
  • Britain and the Caribbean
  • The Captives experience and slave resistance
  • The Abolitionist campaigns


European & World Context – Free at Last? Civil Rights in the USA (1918 - 1968)


  • The ‘Open Door’ policy & Immigration
  • Separate but Equal – persecution of Black Americans in the 1920s
  • Civil Rights campaigns of the 1950s & 1960s
  • Ghettos & Black American Radicalism


How will you be assessed?


At National 5, candidates will sit an external exam as well as an Assignment. Both are submitted to the SQA for marking and the final result is awarded A – D



Purpose:  The purpose of this course is to develop, within a balanced structure, knowledge and understanding of historical concepts through study of chosen units. It also develops skills of evaluating and investigating.

Entry to the Course: 

National 5 is available for pupils who have achieved a pass at National 4 level in History, Geography or Modern Studies.

There may also be the possibility for those with a C pass at National 5 to upgrade their qualification.

These courses consist of 3 units, each of 40 hours, with a further 40 hours flexible time.

Unit 1: Scottish: The Era of the First World War 1900-1928


This is a study of the experiences of Scots in the Great War and its impact on life in Scotland. This topic considers the impact of technology on the soldiers on the Western Front. It also considers the way in which the war changed life for people at home as the war began to impact on every aspect of life both during and after the war.


Topics covered include –              

-          Scots on the Western Front

-          The Home Front

-          Industry in Scotland before, during and after the war

-          Politics in Scotland before, after and during the war

Unit 2:  British: The Atlantic Slave Trade, 1770–1807


A study of the nature of the British Atlantic slave trade in the late eighteenth century, changing attitudes towards it in Britain and the pressures that led to its abolition, illustrating the themes of rights, exploitation and culture.


Topics covered include -               

-          Triangle of Trade

-          Britain and the Caribbean

-          The captive’s experience and slave resistance

-          The abolitionist campaigns

Unit 3:  European & World: Free at Last? Civil Rights in the USA (1918 - 1968)


A study of the issue of Civil Rights in the USA, as the country grappled with the difficult issues of race, identity, and equality.  The (often horrific) experiences of Black Americans is a gripping and illuminating topic to cover.


Topics covered include – 

-          The ‘Open Door’ policy & Immigration

-          Separate but Equal – persecution of Black Americans in the 1920s

-          Civil Rights campaigns - 1950s & 1960s

-          Ghettos & Black American Radicalism




Assessment:  The Course is assessed by:

·         Internal Assessments for each unit

·         External Examination

·         Extended Response Question


Progression:  Pupils succeeding in National 5 will be able to progress to Higher History.