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The Waid Academy

National 5 Health and Food Technology

National 4 and 5 Health and Food Technology


Course Description

The purpose of this Course is to allow learners to develop and apply practical and technological skills, knowledge and understanding to make informed food and consumer choices. 


The Course has six broad and inter-related aims which allow learners to: 

  • develop knowledge and understanding of the relationships between health, food and nutrition
  • develop knowledge and understanding of the functional properties of food
  • make informed food and consumer choices
  • develop the skills to apply their knowledge in practical contexts
  • develop organisational and technological skills to make food products
  • develop and apply safe and hygienic practices in practical food preparation


Course Structure

The Health & Food Technology course consists of 3 mandatory units;


Health and Food Technology: Food for Health 

The general aim of this Unit is to develop learners’ knowledge and understanding of the relationship between food, health and nutrition. Learners will also develop knowledge and understanding of dietary needs for individuals at various stages of life and explain current dietary advice.


Health and Food Technology: Food Product Development  

The general aim of this Unit is to allow learners to develop knowledge and understanding of the functional properties of ingredients in food and their use in developing new food products. 


Health and Food Technology: Contemporary Food Issues 

The general aim of this Unit is for learners to develop knowledge and understanding of consumer food choices. They will explore factors which may affect food choices and develop knowledge and understanding of contemporary food issues. They will consider technological developments in food and organisations which protect consumer interests. 


Course Assessment


National 4

National 5

Assignment (100%)

Assignment (50%)



Question Paper (50%)



At National 4 level the Course assessment will be used to determine a “pass” or “fail”, at National 5 the Course assessment is graded A–D with a learner’s overall grade determined by their performance across the Course assessment.