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The Waid Academy

National 5 Environmental Science

National 4 and 5 – Environmental Science


Through enjoyable learning in Environmental, learners develop their interest in and understanding of the world. They engage in a wide range of investigative tasks, which allows them to develop important skills to become creative, inventive and enterprising, in a world where the skills and knowledge developed in Environmental Science are needed across all sectors of society and the economy. 


The course develops learners’ interest and enthusiasm for environmental science in a range of contexts, as well as their investigative and experimental skills. Environmental science takes a problem-solving approach to attempt to develop solutions that prevent or reverse environmental deterioration and aim for sustainable practices.


The Course aims to: 

  • develop scientific and analytical thinking skills in an environmental context
  • develop understanding of environmental issues and scientists’ roles and responsibilities within this context.
  • acquire and apply knowledge and understanding of environmental concepts
  • develop understanding of relevant applications of environmental science in society


Course Progression

The course will provide opportunities for progression in the senior phase of the school to study the following subjects:


  • National 4 – Environmental Science
  • National 5 – Environmental Science
  • Higher – Environmental Science


Career Opportunities








100 marks (80% of final grade)

20 marks (20% of final grade)


Subject: Environmental                                Science



National 3 SCQF Level 3

National 4 SCQF Level 4

National 5 SCQF Level 5


The course has three mandatory Units:


Unit 1:

Living Environment


Unit 2:

Earth’s Resources


Unit 3:



The course has four mandatory Units including an added value unit:


Unit 1:

Living Environment


Unit 2:

Earth’s Resources


Unit 3:



Added Value Unit:

Environmental Science Assignment


The course has three 

Units and Course



Unit 1:

Living Environment


Unit 2:

Earth’s Resources


Unit 3:
