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The Waid Academy

National 4 Design & Manufacture

National 4 and 5 Design and Manufacture


Course Description

This course provides learners with opportunities to develop skills that are of general value for learning, life and work: the ability to read drawings and diagrams; the ability to communicate design ideas and practical details; the ability to devise and develop practical solutions to design problems; and the ability to manufacture their design ideas. 


The Course allows learners to engage with technologies and to consider the impact that design and manufacturing technologies have on our environment and society. It allows them to consider how technologies have impacted on the world of the designer and on manufacturing.


The aims of the Course are to enable learners to develop: 

  • skills in design and manufacturing models, prototypes and products
  • knowledge and understanding of manufacturing processes and materials
  • an understanding of the impact of design and manufacturing technologies on our environment and society


Course Structure


The Design & Manufacture course consists of 2 units;


Design & Manufacture: Design 

This Unit covers the product design process from brief to resolved design proposals, including specification. It helps learners develop skills in initiating, developing, articulating and communicating design proposals.


Design & Manufacture: Materials & Manufacturing  

This Unit covers the product design process from design proposals to prototype or product. It helps learners to ‘close the design loop’ by manufacturing their design ideas. It allows learners to develop practical skills that are invaluable in the design/make/test process.


Course Assessment

To gain a National 4 award, learners must pass two mandatory units as well as complete the final Added Value Unit folio and final Added Value Unit model.


To gain a National 5 award, learners must complete various unit tasks before completing the Final Course Assessment folio, Final Course Assessment model and a final written exam.



National 4

National 5

Design Unit – pass

Materials and Manufacturing Unit - pass


Added Value Unit folio – pass

Added Value Unit model - pass

Question Paper – 80 marks


Final Course Assessment folio – 55 marks

Final Course Assessment model – 45 marks



At National 4 level, the Added Value Unit folio and Added Value Unit model will be used to determine a “pass” or “fail”.  At National 5 level, the course assessment is graded A–D with a learner’s overall grade determined by their performance in the Final Course Assessment folio, Final Course Assessment model and the Question Paper.