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The Waid Academy

Higher PE



The practical performance element of this course requires learners to demonstrate and develop a broad and comprehensive range of complex skills apply them in challenging performance contexts.

The theory component requires learners to demonstrate the ability to analyse performance and demonstrate a detailed knowledge and understanding of the performance development process required to improve their own and others performance.


Theory Overview

Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of mental, emotional, social and physical factors that impact on personal performance in physical activities. Through collecting information, learners consider how these factors can influence effectiveness in performance. They develop knowledge and understanding of a range of approaches for enhancing performance. Learners select and apply these approaches to factors that impact on their personal performance. Learners create and implement Personal Development Plans (PDPs), modify these, and justify decisions relating to future personal development needs.


Learners are assessed in two, single performances, both performances are marked out of 30.

Each performance must be in a different activity.


Course assessment

Component 1: Exam paper 2 hours and 30 minutes    50%

Component 2: Performance - 2 single performances      50%

Two different activities, each assessed out of 30 marks.

Progression:  Pupils can progress to College and University courses in Leisure and Recreation, Sports Science, Physical Education Teaching and other sport related degrees.


Entry Requirements:  An A or B pass in both National 5 Physical Education and English are recommended. The demands of the written element of the course significantly increase therefore it is recommended that learners have demonstrated a strong grasp of this aspect of the course during their N5 studies. Learners not achieving an A or B pass should opt for NPA Exercise and Fitness which is also a level 6 qualification.