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The Waid Academy

Higher English


Higher English is an intellectually demanding but stimulating course which requires responsibility, diligence and commitment.  Students should have good comprehension skills, and ideally an interest in literature.  They should also have sound writing skills in terms of accuracy and quality of expression.

Entry Requirements:  National 5 English, preferably at grade A or B

Internal Assessment:

Students must pass the following unit assessment over the course of the year-


 Spoken Language Assessment (Talking and Listening)





















External Assessment — Writing Portfolio

The purpose of this portfolio is to provide evidence of the learner’s writing for two different purposes.

This portfolio will give learners an opportunity to develop their skills in writing in different genres, and to develop their skills in writing for a range of purposes and audiences.


Two pieces of writing worth 30 marks - 30% of the final grade.


External Examination:

The exam consists of 2 papers.  Its purpose is to assess learners’ application of their reading skills and to provide the challenge of questions and other tasks to be accomplished in a limited amount of time.

This exam will give learners an opportunity to:

apply their reading skills in the understanding, analysis and evaluation of texts apply their critical reading skills and their knowledge of appropriate literary context, forms and genres

Paper 1

Reading for Understanding, Analysis, and Evaluation – 90 minutes - 30% of final grade

Paper 2

Critical Reading – 90 minutes – 40% of final grade