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The Waid Academy

Higher Business


Course Description

Business plays an important role in society. We all rely on businesses to create wealth, prosperity, jobs and choices. Therefore, it is essential for society to have effective businesses and business managers if they are to sustain this role. This Course will build on the skills, knowledge and understanding gained in National 5 Business Management or, for some learners, can act as an entry to the study of business.

The purpose of the Course is to highlight the ways in which organisations operate and the steps they take to achieve their strategic goals. This purpose will be achieved by combining theoretical and practical aspects of learning through the use of real-life business contexts. The skills, knowledge and understanding will be embedded in current business theory and practice and reflect the integrated nature of organisations, their functions and their decision-making processes.

The aims of this course are to:

·         develop understanding of the importance of business and enterprise in contemporary society

·         develop the ability to analyse the ways in which different organisation achieve their aims

·         develop an understanding of how individuals contribute to the achievement of an organisation’s objectives

·         develop an understanding of the internal structure of organisations and how this may influence their activities

·         enable students to recognise the interdependence of the various activities undertaken by businesses

·         develop the ability to assess the contribution which information and IT can make to the effectiveness of decision making in different types of business

Course Structure

This course consists of 3 units;

Business Decision Areas: Marketing and Operations

·         Marketing strategies, market research and growth

·         Production systems, distribution, types of operations

Business Enterprise

·         Enterprise in society                                

·         Analyse the development of business

·         Analyse the process of decision making in business enterprises

Business Decision Areas: Finance and Human Recourses

·         Importance of finance in organisations

·         Budget control, liquidity and profitability

·         Current trends in use of above

·         Recruitment techniques

Course Assessment - Internal Assessment is undertaken at the end of each unit. The external examination lasts 2 hrs 30 minutes and consists of 1 case study and 2 extended answers.

Entry Criteria - Learners would normally be expected to have successfully completed National 5 Business Management