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The Waid Academy

Fashion and Textile Technology 


The purpose of the Course is to develop learners’ interest and enthusiasm for textiles and fashion in a range of contexts.  Inquiry, investigation and practical skills are developed, throughout the Course through both theory and practical work. This enables learners to become more aware of the role and nature of fashion and textiles in society and its impact, whilst learning and developing textile manufacturing and practical sewing skills.



This course or its units may provide progression to: 

  • Further or higher education programmes
  • Training or employment


A high level of commitment and very good attendance are a pre-requisite of success in this course.  Personal study, both at home and in school, is an important element of the course, and that learners must make every effort to attend extra-curricular after-school support classes when offered.


Recommended Entry:  While entry is at the discretion of the centre, pupils would normally have obtained a minimum of National 4 in English and possibly Art. It would also be desirable for pupils to have at least basic sewing skills.


There are three key units:


Unit – Developing a Textile Item

In this Unit, learners will plan the making of detailed fashion/textile items that consider fashion/textile trends. Learners then develop a solution for a detailed fashion/textile item, based on the trend, in response to a given brief. Produce a detailed work plan with a timed and logical work sequence and an accurate requisition for appropriate textiles, components, equipment and tools. Learners will then make a detailed fashion/textile item, to an appropriate standard of quality, which considers fashion/textile trends. 


Unit – Fashion & Textile Choices 

In this Unit, learners will develop skills by developing a detailed fashion/textile item that considers factors that affect the fashion and textile choice of others. Learners will carry out a detailed investigation into factors affecting fashion/textile choice for a chosen group of consumers. Learners will then present and justify a solution for a detailed fashion/textile item that will meet the fashion/textile choices of this group.


Unit - Textile Technologies

In this Unit, learners will develop skills of making detailed fashion/textile items using a pattern after identifying an appropriate pattern. Learners will then explain and justify their choice of textile(s) for the chosen item, considering properties and characteristics. Learners will identify a detailed range of appropriate textile construction techniques for the chosen item and make an item using the correct techniques and equipment to an appropriate standard of quality.



Internal Assessment is based on:

  • N4 & 5 - Three SQA written & practical unit assessments - which may be combined to one longer unit assessment.
  • N4 Added Value Unit (pass/fail)
  • N5 textile item as part of a technological assignment. (50 marks)

External Assessment is based on:

  • N5 written technological assignment (50 marks)
  • N5 question paper, which requires learners to apply breadth and depth of skills, knowledge and understanding from across the Course to answer questions in fashion
  • & textiles. (30 marks- 1 hour)