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The Waid Academy





Based in Fife, DAPL offers one to one counselling, support and advice to young people, adults and families who are impacted by a range of emotional and psychological issues.

The digital drop in offers 3 sessions which can be face to face, text, email or online. These sessions are usually offered quicker than the long term sessions.

You can sign up to this service direct, there is no need to inform guidance of the referral. Long term sessions are accessed through DAPL referral form which is usually done through guidance. This offers open ended counselling which you can stop when you feel you are ready or we can come to an agreed ending when support is no longer needed. 

For further information please click on the links below:

https://www.dapl.net/  - for DAPL website

https://forms.gle/2ECM42RSeKWCqWh8A - For Digital drop in