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The Waid Academy

Enterprise and Business - Level 5


Enterprise & Employability National Progression Award Level 5

This course provides qualifications which enable the candidate to identify, develop and demonstrate enterprise and employability skills. Units are delivered as a cohesive set of tasks based around starting up a business. This course aims to prepare pupils more for the world of work, helps develop teambuilding skills through working with others on a shared project, taking responsibility for their own actions, organisation and planning, self and group motivation, developing leadership skills and generating income. It builds reliance and resilience as they learn from their failures in running the business as much as from their successes.

The four units are

·      Personal Development: Self and Work

·      Working for Yourself

·      Enterprise Activity – participation in the Young Enterprise Company Programme

·      Practical business, which includes an introduction to:


Business and Ecommerce

Business and Marketing

Business Finance

Establishing a Business Identity


During the course students will work in teams to set up and run a Young Enterprise company, which can provide a service or create and manufacture products. They will also have the opportunity to sit the Strathclyde University, Young Enterprise Examination.

Entry Requirement

No formal requirement for the course, but energy, commitment and the ability to work with others are essential qualities


This course appeals to students who wish to progress into areas of a creative or business nature. It promotes personal confidence, teamwork, competitiveness and positive thinking


·         Self-assessment and peer assessment using a student log book

·         Successful completion of all units and tasks

Teacher observation, Participation in Young Enterprise business activities throughout the year which include: Trade fair to judge product, stall and marketing techniques in December

Preparation of a company report in February

Final company presentation in March


Students can progress to related courses in further/higher education. Repeating students may be able to progress onto National Progression Award Level 6 in Enterprise & Business