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The Waid Academy


Literacy is a passport to further education courses, to future careers and, indeed, is a life skill in its own right. 

What will I study in S3? 

In S3, all learners continue to develop skills in Reading, Writing, Talking, Listening, and in solving problems. These will be built on in S4.



  • You will continue to read a wide range of texts, both fiction and non-fiction.
  • You will develop your comprehension skills
  • You will learn more about analysing texts and about expressing your opinion of them.
  • You will have lots more opportunities to choose your own private reading material.



  • You will produce a variety of pieces of writing from short stories to persuasive pieces, personal reflections to film review. These pieces will all be kept together in your Writing portfolio.  
  • You will work on improving your technical accuracy.  
  • You will choose topics to research and write about.


Listening and Talking

  • You will develop your skills in solo talk, group discussions and whole class discussions.
  • You will watch and listen to different spoken texts (such as films, documentaries, poetry readings, speeches) and learn more about showing you have understood them and can comment on the varied techniques used to make them effective in communicating their ideas.
  • You will choose topics to investigate and talk about your findings to others