Consumer and Foods & Technology
Health & Food Technology
Broad General Education – S3
Course Description
The Health & Food Technology course provides an opportunity to further enhance the knowledge and skills developed from study of the S1/2 CFT course.
The course focuses on health and the nutritional properties of food as well as safe, hygienic and informed practices in food preparation. It develops learners’ understanding of the importance of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. It also allows learners to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to become an informed consumer.
The purpose of this course is to allow learners to develop and apply practical and technological skills and to make informed food, lifestyle and consumer choices which will have a positive effect on their own health and that of others.
The course enables learners;
- to allow learners to develop knowledge and understanding of the relationships between health, nutrition and the functional properties of food
- to enable learners to make informed food, lifestyle and consumer choices
- to allow learners to develop the skills to apply their knowledge in practical contexts
- to allow learners to develop and apply safe and hygienic practices in practical food preparation
- to develop learners’ organisational and technological skills to contribute to their own and others’ health and nutritional needs
Course Progression
The course will provide opportunities for progression in the senior phase of the school to study the following subjects;
- National 4 – Health & Food Technology
- National 5 – Health & Food Technology
- Higher – Health & Food Technology
Career Progression
These courses will be of benefit to anyone considering studying any leisure, health or nutrition bases course at college/university; they will also be of benefit to anyone interested in pursuing a career in fitness, nutrition or the catering industry in general.