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The Waid Academy

Art and Design


·         is an exciting subject to study, potentially leading to a range of careers within the creative industries such as architecture, product design, film-making, theatre design, graphics & illustration, animation, jewellery, arts administration, teaching, photography, textiles, fashion, etc.

·         encourages creative and imaginative responses to a wide range of 2D and 3D activities. Learning to express and communicate ideas visually is always encouraged using a wide range of media. This is complemented by studying relevant artists and designers, providing both contexts for learning and sources of inspiration

·         provides learners with a broad, practical experience of art and design practice and related critical activities. Learners develop practical skills as they explore how to visually represent and communicate their thoughts and ideas through their work, and study the works of artists and designers

·         develops practical skills as they explore how to visually represent and communicate their thoughts and ideas through their work, and study the works of artists and designers.

·         a level of commitment is expected at certificate level. Pupils who have passed National 5 with an A or B in S4 will normally prepare for presentation at Higher level in S5, though it is important to note that pupils who have struggled to meet deadlines or complete tasks in class or as homework must urgently discuss their suitability for taking Art & Design on into S5 with their teacher