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The Waid Academy

Course Choice Process

The Course Choice process is one that is an important part of the school year. This process is a four stage process and allows the school to try our best to ensure that learners can get the choice they want. It is important to note that this is not always possible however and in some circumstances changes may need to be made. We call this recoursing. 


Stage one - trial run

For both S2 into s3 and S4/5 into S5/6 the first stage involves a trial run. Parents and Carers are issued with a link to a Microsoft Form that contains a list of all the subjects available. Students are asked to submit the form with the subjects they would like to do on it. 

It should be emphasised here that this is not the final course choice and is only a trial. 

The information gathered then allows us to create the course choice structure (or columns) for the final course choice that students will pick from. 


stage 2 - final course choice

Once the columns have been agreed, a course choice form is created. This allows you to see what subjects sit in which columns. 

A link to a Microsoft Form will be emailed to you and this should be completed in conversation with your child. 


For S2 into S3 you will initially pick 5 subjects (in addition to English and Maths). In most cases these subjects are the subjects you will continue to study in S4. You will then pick a further 2 subjects that will be studied for S3 only (Columns H and I). 


For S4 you will choose 5 subjects to study in S5. 


S5 into S6 should choose 4 subjects. In some cases where a learner is completing 3 Advanced Highers, then an additional study column can be chosen.


All learners also have Core periods in RME, PSHE and PE. These do not need to be chosen as part of the course choice process. 



Recoursing can happen for a number of reasons: 


1) Subjects may not be viable to run due to very small numbers 


2) Some subjects may be oversubscribed. Where this is the case then a decision will be made based entirely on prior attainment in the subject. Support will be offered to learners to help them make an appropriate alternative choice. 


This process happens in school. 



Once all recoursing has been completed then confirmation of the choices made will be communicated with home.