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The Waid Academy

Advance Higher


The purpose of the Course is to build on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed by the learner in Higher Biology and Higher Human Biology, and to provide a useful bridge towards further study of biology.

The Advanced Higher Biology Course is based on integrative ideas and unifying principles of modern biological science. It covers key aspects of life science at the molecular scale and extends to aspects of the biology of whole organisms that are among the major driving forces of evolution. In addition, the Advanced Higher Biology Course aims to develop a sound theoretical understanding and practical experience of experimental investigative work in biological science.

The purpose of the Course is to build on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed by the learner in Higher Biology and Higher Human Biology, and to provide a useful bridge towards further study of biology.

The Course provides learners with

·         The opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the cell by studying the key roles of proteins within the cell. This understanding of cellular processes is then related to physiological function.

·         At the whole-organism scale, the Course explores how sexual reproduction and parasitism are major drivers of evolution.

·         allows learners to develop a deeper understanding of the mechanism of evolution, the biological consequences of sexual reproduction and the biological inter-relationships involved in parasitism.

·         provides a deeper understanding of laboratory and fieldwork techniques, and in carrying out a biological investigation the learner has the opportunity to produce an extended piece of scientific work.

·         provides opportunity to develop knowledge, understanding and problem solving skills of particular use to those pupils intending further study of the subject or a related course at University.

·         build on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed by the learner in Higher Biology and Higher Human Biology, and to provide a useful bridge towards further study of biology.

·         based on integrative ideas and unifying principles of modern biological science. It covers key aspects of life science at the molecular scale and extends to aspects of the biology of whole organisms that are among the major driving forces of evolution.

·         this course requires student to acquire a considerable knowledge and understanding of complex concepts.  With the investigations and prelims both in the spring term 100% commitment is required

Course Details:  The course consists of 3 units in addition to an investigation.

1.       Cells and Proteins- proteomics, protein structure, binding and conformational change; membrane proteins; detecting and amplifying a stimulus; communication within multicellular organism and protein control of cell division. Also includes important laboratory techniques for biologists.

2.       Organisms and Evolution- evolution; variation and sexual reproduction; sex and behaviour and parasitism. It covers the role of sexual reproduction and parasitism in the evolution of organisms. Biological variation is a central concept in this Unit and is best observed in the natural environment.

3.       Investigative Biology- principles and practice of investigative biology and its communication. The Unit covers scientific principles and processes, experimentation and critical evaluation of biological research.


Units 1, 2 and 3 – students must pass the unit tests and complete a report on a practical investigation carried out.

Students must plan and carry out an individual investigation and write a report on their findings.

In addition to achieving the unit awards, students must pass the course examination.  Grades A, B or C may be awarded to students depending on their performance in this exam and the report on their investigation.  The completed investigation report will form 25% of the final grade.