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The Waid Academy

Advance Higher Business Management


Course Description

The course has three areas of study:


The external business environment

Candidates develop a detailed knowledge and in-depth understanding of the effects of external influences on organisations operating at a multinational and global level. They gain an in-depth understanding of current issues affecting organisations in an economic, social and environmental context, and consider the effectiveness of various courses of action.


The internal business environment

Candidates expand their knowledge of both traditional and contemporary management theories used by organisations to maximise efficiency, and evaluate theories relating to internal factors that influence the success of teams.


Evaluating business information

Candidates develop skills in evaluating a range of business information used by organisations to reach conclusions.

Course Structure

This course consists of 3 units;

·         The External Environment

·         The Internal Environment

·         Evaluation Business Information


Areas of study relating to the External Environment include

·         Global Business

·         Business Issues

Areas of study relating to the Internal Environment include

·      Management

·      Leadership

·      Teams

·      Time & Task Management

·      Managing Change

·      Equality & Diversity


Areas of study relating to Evaluating Business

·       Conducting Research

·       Analytical Techniques

·       Evaluating Financial Information

·       Evaluating Business Information


Course Assessment

Question Paper = 80 marks

Project = 40 marks