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The Waid Academy

Advance Higher


Purpose:  The course is designed for students who wish to continue their study of Chemistry beyond Higher Grade and who may wish to progress to study chemistry in Higher Education.

The purpose of the Advanced Higher Chemistry Course is to develop learners’ knowledge and understanding of the physical and natural environments beyond Higher level. The Course builds on Higher Chemistry, continuing to develop the underlying theories of chemistry and the practical skills used in the chemistry laboratory. The Course also develops the skills of independent study and thought that are essential in a wide range of occupations.

Recommended Entry:  While entry is at the discretion of the centre, a pass in Higher Chemistry is standard

Unit 1 - Inorganic and Physical Chemistry: Key areas

Ø  Electromagnetic radiation and atomic spectra

Ø  Atomic orbitals, electronic configurations and the Periodic Table

Ø  Shapes of molecules and polyatomic ions

Ø  Transition metals

Ø  Chemical equilibrium

Ø  Reaction feasibility

Ø   Kinetics

Unit 2 - Organic Chemistry/Instrumental Analysis: Key areas

Key areas:

Ø  Molecular orbitals

Ø  Molecular structure

Ø  Stereochemistry

Ø  Synthesis

Ø  Experimental determination of structure

Ø  Pharmaceutical Chemistry



Researching Chemistry

This Unit requires the application of different teaching methods/techniques to the other Advanced Higher Chemistry Units; the following guidance on learning and teaching approaches for this Unit are suggested methods for teachers/lecturers

Key areas:

Ø  Gravimetric Analysis

Ø  Volumetric Analysis

Ø  Practical skills and Techniques

Ø  Stoichiometric Calculations

Overarching principles

Throughout each of the key areas the learners must be able to apply the following principles:

Ø  Precision

Ø  Accuracy

Ø  Uncertainties

Ø  Units


Course Assessment and Structure

Internal Assessment is based on:

  • An end of unit test, which requires 50% to pass. Up to two attempts are allowed to pass this.

External Assessment is based on:

  • Component 1 — question paper (110 marks scaled to 120marks) Component 2 — project (25 marks scaled to 40 marks) Total marks 160 marks

Course Assessment and Structure

Internal Assessment is based on:

  • An end of unit test, which requires 50% to pass. Up to two attempts are allowed to pass this.

External Assessment is based on:

  • Component 1 — question paper (110 marks scaled to 120marks) Component 2 — project (25 marks scaled to 40 marks) Total marks 160 marks