About Us
Welcome to The Waid Academy website. Here you will find useful information about the school as well links to useful sites.
The Waid Academy was opened in September 1886 on its old site and is a non-denominational, co-educational, comprehensive secondary school with 670 pupils at present. The school moved to its current site in June 2017. The school provides secondary education for all children aged 12 to 18 in the East Neuk of Fife, a picturesque area devoted to fishing, farming and holidaymaking. There are numerous other small businesses which constitute an important part of the local economy.
The school has a proud tradition and sits at the heart of the local community. The new purpose-built facility brings together many local council services into one building such as Council Office Front Line Support, Community Library, Community Cafe, Police Scotland and CLD as well as having space for Fife College. We are proud of our heritage as well as keen to embrace new technology that is available to us in our new building.
The school curriculum fully embraces Curriculum for Excellence with a Broad General Education in S1-S3 and a Senior Phase in S4-6 where learners will take National Qualifications at National 3, 4 and 5 levels for S4-6; a full programme of Nationals, Highers, Advanced Higher and Wider Achievement Courses as well as Skills for Work Courses are available to all pupils. The school has recently formed links to the Foundation Apprenticeship scheme. In Session 2016/2017 97.52% of our pupils left to a sustained positive destination.
The school enjoys a good reputation for its work in Support for Pupils across all activities and was awarded a “6” for excellence by HMIe in their June 2006 report on the school. This has more recently been validated by the HMIe inspection of November 2014. The full and extremely positive report on the school can be found here.
There is a rich and varied extra-curricular programme, and pupils are encouraged to participate in the wider life of the school. We have very strong links with our associated primary schools and joint-working with them on a number of projects is a key priority. With an active Student Congress and Parent Council, The Waid Academy works together with pupils and parents and partners to ensure the best possible provision for our learners.
Mr S Duncan