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The Waid Academy

AH Modern Studies


Aims of the Course

Advanced Higher Modern Studies builds on the work carried out at Higher Modern Studies. It gives you the opportunity to develop a high level of skill in independent study, co-operative learning, objective thinking and the ability to communicate clearly and confidently. You will gain expertise in the use of a range of sources, research, debate and IT.  The course aims to give you a detailed understanding of many aspects of the contemporary world which are of concern to all citizens. You will gain understanding of the ways in which people interact in response to a major social issue

Recommended Entry

Students would normally be expected to have attained a pass in Higher Modern Studies.

Course Outline

The course consists of 3, 40 hour units plus 40 hours flexible time.

Unit 1 – Social Issues – Law and Order 

Within this section, candidates will develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of:

·         Understanding Criminal Behaviour

o   the nature and extent of criminal behaviour

o   evaluation of theories of criminal behaviour

o   the social and economic effects of criminal behaviour

·         Responses by society to crime

o   theories and explanations of responses to crime

o   current responses to crime

o   evaluation of responses to crime

·         Researching social science issues

o   critically evaluating research methodology

o   critically evaluating sources of information

Unit 2 – Project / Dissertation

You will choose a topic to study and research and write up your findings. This will form part of your overall final grade.



Evidence will be gathered throughout the course and internal assessments will be undertaken.


Your dissertation and final exam make up your final award. The dissertation is sent away to be marked by external examiners.











The Social Subjects Department is now able to offer a fascinating and exciting introduction to the world of criminology – the study of crime and criminal behaviour.  The course is set at the equivalent of National 5 and provides a fantastic additional option for students who enjoy social subjects.


Topics Covered in the Course:


-          History & Development of Criminology

-          Crime in the Community

-          Crime Scenes




The course will be assessed continuous throughout the year (rather than a one-off exam), including both closed and open-book assessments. 


Progression Routes


A pass in Criminology NPA will provide excellent progression for Higher Modern Studies in S6, but will also help with all Social Subjects Higher Courses.