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The Waid Academy

AH French


Purpose Building on the skills you developed in Higher French, you will

·         develop advanced skills in listening and talking, reading and writing, which are essential for learning, work

and life

·         use a range of different media effectively for learning and communication

·         further develop an understanding of how language works, and use language to communicate ideas and

information in the contexts of society, learning, employability and culture

·         use creative and critical thinking as well as other higher-order language skills to synthesise ideas and


·         develop skills in literary appreciation

·         further enhance your enjoyment and understanding of your own and other cultures

·         explore the interconnected nature of languages

·         develop independent learning skills including research and analytical skills

Recommended Entry:  Pupils will normally be expected to have attained an A pass in Higher French. 

In exceptional circumstances,

pupils who have achieved a B pass at Higher could be encouraged to continues with French at this level

Course Details:  As in National 5 and Higher, the four contexts studied in Advanced Higher are:

*Society       *Learning          *Employability             *Culture

External Exam

You will be assessed in the following skills by the SQA:


Reading (30 marks) and Translation (20 marks)

Listening (30 marks) and Discursive Writing (40 marks)

Talking (50) - Visiting examiner


Portfolio (30 marks) will be done in class and marked by the SQA